Whathe: #espn #usopen Nix Line #judges

What the @#$?, some commentators for #espn #USOpen have been losing touch with reality for […]

Yo: Drew Brees Is Not Racist!

With all this panic going on with the #coronavirus, a lot of people have displaced their aggression unto #BlackLivesMatter… This entire environment is negligent of the fact that he may want to been laid to rest!

MJ Drops In For ‘Jeter Day’

MJ is my book “the sports legend of all-time” came to Monument Park AKA Yankee Stadium in the Bronx on Sunday afternoon to hail one of the greatest hitters of all-time… DEREK JETER!!! The Yankees in honor of Jeter spread the #RE2PECT Logo on a flag and painted on the ground, and even put his name on the base plates. The day was so pleasant that even clouds started to come together to form D-E-R-E-K J-E-T-E-R writing in the sky.