Tag Archives: Donald Trump
DearGod: Donald Trump Resigns?!
Amid all the confusion of the Democratic debate (lol), in a surprising pleasant turn of events, President Donald Trump announced his resignation today!!! Apparently, he was paying some of the Democratic candidates in this upcoming election (to sabotage the party), and paid some Republican candidates (to dive) in the last election!

Peyton Manning Prepares To Announce Retirement!
Peyton Manning announced his intentions to retire, and will make it official at a press conference at 1pm today. There is no better way than to go out a champion (after dramatically winning Super Bowl 50), and he definitely deserves that! Manning was a stand up character, but did have his small share of scandals. Back in his Tennessee days…

LMAO: Donald Trump Gets Chumped By Aerosmith!
Aerosmith lead singer Steven Tyler officially sent Republican front runner Donald Trump a cease-and-desist letter to stop playing their damn song “Dream On” in his campaign bid! This is the third time already…Trump campaign is a joke; its worse than Lebron seeming humble and going back to Cleveland.