USOpen: #Sabalenka “Girl With Dragon #Tattoo”

As #TrumpTheTerrible tries to captivate the world in lunacy, and #Kamala Harris surfs other people’s […]

Maddow lost in Russia, Trump found in Ukraine?!

#MSNBC Rachel Maddow was lost (and kidnapped) in Russia in the last couple days en route to the #Olympics, while Donald Trump was found hiding in Ukraine after a bender in Russia?!

Dream: Srbija Qualifies For World Cup Finals 2018!

“It was a dream since (my) childhood to score an important goal for the state,” […]

Donald Trump Resigns?!

Donald Trump announced he will be resigning shortly (for medical problems) on request of the […]

Russian Goalie Gets ‘Eye Tazed’ At World Cup 2014?! [Video]

Behind the curtains while the Russians were defiantly battling Algeria this afternoon, another (crime) was taking place… ??? Someone (lacking dignity) was shining a light in the goalie’s eyes or ‘eye tazed’ right when Algeria was taking a corner kick on goal?! Worse off…