Tag Archives: NFL
Giants’ JPP In Dire Straits With Amputated Finger From Fireworks Mistake!
NFL NY Giants’ JPP (Jason Pierre-Paul) is in dire straits (with respect to a new contract and lifestyle in general) after getting an amputated right index finger from a fireworks mistake! As the story first broke (after July 4th) it seemed a insignificant incident, but after pictures were leaked, and the finger had to be amputated the situation was upgraded to serious!

NFL Champion Tom Brady Draws Out DeflateGate Scandal?! ::Updated
NFL QB Tom Brady was recently served a four-game suspension for deflating footballs in a Championship game last December. Now Brady is pushing his appeal through the NFLPA, implying that he had no part in the scandal?! This kind of nonsense makes me hate Brady; for one he just won the chip and two he is directly involved!

Patriots Startle Seahawks In Super Bowl Finale!
This year’s Super Bowl was a tale of glory for Patriot fans, and a straight up heart-breaker for Seahawk fans! The game came down to the last play with the Seahawks (down 28-24) on the 1/2 yard line about to score… when suddenly Seahawks’ QB Russell Wilson throws a trick play pass which was intercepted and effectively ended the game with only 20 seconds left! In many people’s opinion (including mine), Seahawks’ beast-mode RB Marshawn Lynch should have run in the ball for the TD!!! All is all it was a fantastic finish, as Pats’ QB Tom Brady went from sweating profusely in disbelief to jumping off the bench with tears of joy!

Patriots Caught With Under-Inflated Balls In A Playoff Game?!
When you watched the 45-7 romping of the Indianapolis Colts at the hands of the villainous New England Patriots for the AFC Championship game Sunday nothing seemed suspicious… but with the breaking news, the Patriots were found to be cheating?! 11 of the 12 Patriots’ footballs were under inflated by two pounds of pressure or PSI (Pounds per Square Inch). NFL rules state that the official game-ball must be between 12.5 to 13.5 PSI. Basically it makes the ball easier to catch and throw, as it doesn’t bounce as hard off the body and gives a better grip for the toss.

Wild-Card NFL Playoffs Weekend Rounds Out!
In case you missed it, this recent weekend was action packed with NFL madness, as the (Wild-Card) Playoffs filled up the TV time sheet! Tony Romo and the Cowboys thwarted the Lions (on a controversial non-call penalty), Andrew Luck and the Colts ate up the Bengals, Joe Flacco and the Ravens stuffed the Steelers, and Cam Newton and the Panthers ran over the Cardinals! The Panthers amazingly are still standing with a (7-8-1) regular season record! I’m not gonna mess with the statistics and scores, but all the games were neck-and-neck going into halftime!

NFL Goes Easy On Ray Rice For Wifey KO Punch?!
This is just plain dirty! I can’t even wrap a thought around it! Ravens’ explosive running back Ray Rice got served only a two-game suspension and $58K fine for he straight knocked out his then-fiancée, Janay Palmer, in an elevator back in February?! Should the NFL gives stricter suspensions for proved cases?