Albania Ignites A Riot On Serbian Soil?! [Video] [Slikam]

Serbia Albania Futbal Riot Match

Sa tenzije porasle, u kvalifikacijama za UEFA Futball meč, a gorčina radi duboko u svojoj istoriji, Bloods počeo da kuvate između Albanije i Srbije, a pobuna je bila rezultat. Stadion Partizan на Белграде je bio domaćin kvalifikacija kada radilica drži zastavu sa “Velike Albanije ” sa bitova i komada sa Kosova, Srbije, Makedonije i Crne Gore. Muslimanski Albanci su visoki kontrast pretežno tradicionalnim grčkim pravoslavnim Srbima i za taj sukob nikad neće biti rešen. Ja ne znam šta Albanija mislio, jer oni znaju je Srbija veoma posvećena i voljena u Futball. Utakmica je prekinuta, a Srbi su smatrali da treba da se rešavati sa 3-0 pobedu; meč 0-0. Navodno, albanski premijer, Edi Rama, leteo zujanjem koje prešao zastavu. UEFA će svoju konačnu odluku i kazni sutra.

With tensions running high in a UEFA qualifier futball match, and bitterness running deep within its history, bloods began to boil between Albania and Serbia and a riot was the result. Belgrade’s Partizan stadium was hosting the qualifier when a drone holding the flag from “Greater Albania” with bits and pieces from Kosovo, Serbia, Macedonia, and Montenegro flew by. The Muslim Albanians are a high contrast to the mainly traditional Greek Orthodox Serbians and for that conflict will never be resolved. I do not know what Albania was thinking, as they know Serbia is very dedicated and beloved to futball. The match was abandoned and the Serbians felt they should be dealt a 3-0 win; the match 0-0. Reportedly, the Albanian Prime Minister,Edi Rama, flew the drone that crossed the flag. The UEFA will make its final decision and punishments tomorrow.

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